Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wow, what a month. I think Kamryn has developed a little colic. She pretty cries all the time. But mainly between like 7-8 p.m. But also, all day long, unless I am holding her. Today was a rough day. My back is killing me. Amazing what a little ten pound bundle will do to your back. She's a good sleeper at night, up to 6 hours at a time during the night, one pretty long nap during the day, and lots of little ones. So, I don't get much done, because she wants to be held. I go back to work on June 7th. That's a month after mom's next surgery. And the kids will be off from school by then, so if mom does need help.... Don is working a lot, and hanging out in the taxidermy shop when he's not electrifying something. The crying drives him bonkers. I'm pretty laid back, 5th kid and all, but wow...


Deb Hardman said...

You sure it's not the tags on the back of her neck?

Lei Lei said...

Positive, been there, done that...

*Jennifer* said...

Aw. I'll come help ur back. I want to become a mausuce! They get paid $60 a minute! And i enjoy it! Call be for a masauce anytime!!

P.S I can't spell that word! lol

*Jennifer* said...
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